Oil Free Pie Crust
We struggled to come up with an Oil-Free way to make the kids’ favorite “pot-pie”. Every store bought crust had some kind of oil (and I used to keep the Wholly Wholesome ones in the freezer for a quick cheat on this meal) so we now needed to craft one of our own. Even the one we had used at the Agricultural Fair for the Vegan Apple Pie entry had some coconut oil in it. We found a recipe that is Vegan, oil-free & really tasty, light and flaky.
The most important part was for adjusting the main ingredient, which was a Sweet Earth protein product containing Canola oil (photo below) as it made it “seem like chicken”. Now I know better that excess protein is a cause of the cancer. Part of the T. Colin Campbell eCornell Plant based Nutrition certificate online is about this fact, how excess protein contributes to cancer. We recognize now the importance of not only NOT eating oil but also NOT eating excess protein. What we have found is a BETTER ingredient in just adding white cannellini beans which are considered “a phytate” and can actually help build bone!
Chik’N* Pot Pie (* NOT chicken but soy PROTEIN)